How To Start De-Cluttering Your Space – Even If You Are Overwhelmed or Have No Time

How many times have you looked at that mess in your home, wishing it wasn’t there.

You want to clean up the clutter, get organized, but when?  You sigh in surrender and utter “I don’t have the time”.

With life continuously speeding up — less staff doing more in the workplace, commutes of an hour or more, children that need to be fed and driven to various activities — it’s no wonder that clutter takes over in our homes.

Yet, keeping an organized home makes every day run much more smoothly, and saves time in the long run.

Think about how many times you’ve needed that piece of paper, and you searched for hours in frustration amidst piles of unorganized paperwork.

Or you safely put away your favourite pair of sunglasses at the end of last summer.  But where?

There is a lot of merit to the old adage “Everything has a place, and everything in its place”.

It’s time to take a good look at the mess you want to get organized.

Here is are some quick tips to get you started:

1.  Choose one organization task.

If you have a lot of messes to tackle, you won’t be able to work on them all at once and see any progress.  So, choose one.

2.  Start small.

If you haven’t touched your basement for a couple of years, the task of cleaning it up is probably very daunting.  You feel like it will take you forever to get it organized.  Go down to the basement, take a look around, and select one small area, or one box to sort through.

3.  Book your time.

Choose a time to work on your de-cluttering project, and book it into your calendar.  It is now an appointment for you to keep.

4.  Start with 5 minutes.

The hardest part of getting something done is usually starting it.  And if your time is already stretched, it’s even more difficult.  But 5 minutes is a manageable amount of time to find.  Find that 5 minutes, and get started.

5.  Get help.

Enlist your spouse, your kids, your friend or neighbour to help you with your organization task.  A reward for all the hard work is always a great incentive – trip to the ice cream store, beer and pizza – whatever entices your crew to help you.

And after you’ve completed your organization task, be sure to pat yourself on the back.  You deserve it.

Yours in friendship,

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