Have A Great Reason To Clear Your Clutter

The way you view your clutter clearing activities has a great deal of impact on how you approach it.

We all know that there are many valid practical reasons why we need to organize our homes.

But, it is easy to get caught up in day to day living, and de-cluttering falls by the wayside.

Clearing clutter slips into the back of our mind as other more pressing priorities take up our time and energy.  Before you know it, there is more clutter around.

And, even though it is annoying and stressful each time you see the clutter, you do nothing about it.

Sometimes you need a stronger purpose to motivate you to get the job done.

You can choose to take any mundane de-cluttering task and turn it into a purposeful one.

By giving organization tasks importance and meaning, you raise your desire to get the clutter clearing done.  Otherwise, the task is just a chore that can be put off for another day.

Give yourself a reason great enough to encourage you to organize your clutter.

Your reason for clearing clutter could be a reason tied directly to what things will be like after the mess is cleaned up.

For example,

Home Office:  If you work from home, you organize your home office with the intent that you will make more money because you have an organized office.

You will have a dedicated place to work, and you will know where to find what you need, saving you valuable time.

Rather than dreading the paper clutter you walk into each day, you will look forward to working productively in your organized and functional home office.

Or you could declare a reward for yourself, that you receive after the de-cluttering work is done.

As illustrated with the following example,

Kitchen Pantry:  You have an overflowing cluttered pantry.  You are notorious for buying duplicate kitchen staples because you don’t know what’s in your cupboards.

There is a new restaurant in your neighborhood that you want to try.

Organize your pantry and ‘shop at home’ first.  For every item on your shopping list that you find in your pantry, set the money that you would have spent on the item into a ‘new restaurant fund’.

Once you have enough money in your ‘new restaurant fund’, treat yourself to dinner at the new restaurant.   You deserve it!

It’s a great way to save money on groceries, use up old hidden items in the pantry, and reward yourself with a dinner out.

So, if you have an area of clutter to clear and you’ve been putting it off, think about how it will benefit you when the work is done.

Have your purpose clearly in your mind, clear your clutter, then go and  enjoy your reward.

To your organizing success,

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