Feng Shui Tips For Clearing Clutter

Lucky Bamboo

As our world continues to get busier and clutter continues to plague so many homes, feng shui  concepts are growing in popularity as a way to help simplify our lives, and claim back positive energy.

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice focused on enhancing beneficial energy flow, called Chi.  Good energy flow is favourable, and said to bring good fortune and health.

In feng shui, clutter is said to block the flow of energy, making you feel tired, sluggish, generally low in energy.

In the western world, clutter is also associated with a drain in energy, and in feeling overwhelmed by all the stuff.

As you work on decluttering your home and aspects of your life, here are a few tips borrowed from feng shui in three key areas to help enhance the flow of positive energy in your life.

As you sort through clutter, throw out any items that bring up negative emotions or memories.

These items are said to hold negative energy.

When you have items around that remind you of something negative from the past , you are evoking negative emotions.  In feng shui terms, these items are blocking positive energy flow.

If the negative stuff is something you need to keep (e.g. tax paperwork from a difficult time), pack it away and place it in an area of your home where you don’t generally go to.  If you can, store it offsite.

If there is no need for you to keep this negative clutter… don’t!  Throw it out.

Clean out your purse and wallet regularly.

In feng shui, keeping your purse and wallet clean is said to attract wealth.

It is easy for clutter to accumulate quickly in purses and wallets.  So, regularly clean out your purse and wallet, remove old receipts, and other stuff dumped into your purse.

Clean out money from the bottom of your purse also.  And keep your wallet and purse organized so you can quickly and easily find what you need.

Keep your kitchen clean and free of clutter.

The state of your kitchen is associated with health in feng shui.  Clean your kitchen, and clear the kitchen of clutter for good flowing energy, and better health.

Really, if you think about it, a clean uncluttered kitchen is much more pleasant to cook meals in.

And, kitchens are major places in the home for harmful bacteria to grow.  By keeping your kitchen clean, you minimize the risk of you and your family getting sick.

To Learn More About Feng Shui

Feng shui does not have to be confusing.

Learn how to apply Feng Shui to 26 areas of your life and home, Click Here
to learn more about a no nonsense resource that teaches you how.

26 Feng Shui Secrets

To your organizing success,

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